Andre Laroche Senior Technical Advisor National Research Council
André Laroche is a Senior Technical Advisor–Fire Safety at the National Research Council, Construction. He provides technical and administrative support to the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes responsible for the content of the National Model Codes. He is acting Team Coordinator for the Fire Safety Group responsible of Part 3, Div. B of the NBC and the NFC on issues related to fire protection and life safety. Mr. Laroche is a Mechanical Engineer and graduate of the Université Laval in Québec.
The presentation will focus on major changes that were introduced into the 2010 edition of both the National Building Code and the National Fire Code and the 2012 edition of the Ontario Building Code. The presentation will also introduce submitted and upcoming proposed changes for public review for the NBC and NFC. Discussions will focus on NBC Parts 3 and 9 and NFC Parts 3, 4 and 5. An overview of the issues that are currently being worked upon by the Standing Committees on Use and Egress, Fire Protection, Hazardous Materials and Activities and Housing and Small Buildings will also be presented.
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